
Both steele dossier testimony
Both steele dossier testimony

both steele dossier testimony

Who paid for it, Russia, the FBI or the Dems (or all)?” (Visitors to the office are greeted by a row of gold frames memorializing Trump’s tweets.) California representative Devin Nunes, who is suing Fusion for impeding his investigation into the Steele dossier, has thrown Fusion’s name around throughout the impeachment inquiry as if it were a network of Bond villains. “Workers of firm involved with the discredited and Fake Dossier take the 5th. Trump has tweeted about Fusion or its work dozens of times. Since 2016, Republicans, Fox News, and far-right websites have attacked co-founder Glenn Simpson and his partners on a near daily basis, alleging Fusion had fabricated the dossier on behalf of the Democrats.

both steele dossier testimony

You’d be forgiven for imagining a more elaborate lair. But it’s where the dozen or so employees of Fusion GPS do their work, and where the infamous Steele dossier - a 35-page intelligence report describing a secret Russian plot to help Donald Trump get elected president, first published by BuzzFeed in early 2017 - got its start.

both steele dossier testimony

It is not the kind of high-tech headquarters you imagine would house a “premium research and strategic intelligence” firm, let alone the one that commissioned one of the most consequential political documents since the Pentagon Papers. On the fourth floor of an unremarkable building off Dupont Circle, above a Starbucks, a second-hand clothing store, and a podiatrist, and behind an unmarked door dimpled with a peephole, is a fairly small and modest office space.

Both steele dossier testimony